

October 13-15

不管你离开校园是5年还是50年, 我们希望你能穿上你的红黑衣服,和我们一起度过一个难忘的周末,回忆和庆祝我们对威尼斯人娱乐城的热爱. 在10月13日至15日的返校节期间,分享旧的回忆,创造新的回忆.

如果你毕业的年份以3或8结尾,那就是你的同学会年! Interested in serving on your reunion committee? Let us know by email at alumni@fansfulig.com

请经常浏览此网页,了解今年计划活动的最新消息. 我们目前正在为这个有趣的周末安排活动,所以这里的信息可能会有变化. We hope to see you soon. 

Update your contact information 


Photo Gallery

Alumni award winners young alumni award winner
Class of 1973 poses with their bench Bench plaque
50th reunion class takes a picture 50th reunion class
ABC reunion alumni friends at flashback friday party
Wild Leap with alumni female alumni friends
Basketball alumni reunion basketball players shake hands
Alumni gather at Homecoming Female students at Homeocming
alum grills at Homecoming tailgate alumni group at Homecoming
Female students at Homeocming President Baxter speaks with alumni at Homecoming
happy alumni at Homecoming alumni reviewing yearbooks
alumni chat at Homecoming welcome sign at Homecoming
a group of female alumni at homecoming cheerleaders dance at Homecoming tailgate
董事会主席在卡帕三角洲姐妹会学抖音舞 games at Homecoming tailgate
Alumni gather at Homecoming tailgate alumni at Homecoming tailgate 2023
cheerleader and Panther banner at Football game Football game
巴克斯特校长庆祝新的返校节国王和王后 alumni group at Beacon
Memorial service candles people gather for the memorial service
awards at Athletic Hall of Fame ceremony Athletic Hall of Fame inductees



October 12th


7 p.m. Price Theatre, 300 Panther Way

Broadway Showstoppers Opening Numbers Only! 由蒂姆·菲茨杰拉德构思、导演和编舞. No reservation needed. General Admission payable at the door. (门票10美元,LC教职员工和学生免费)


October 13

38th Panther Memorial Golf Classic:


Registration begins at 10 a.m. with a shotgun start at 11:00 a.m. The practice range will be available at this time. 颁奖典礼和晚宴将在演出结束后举行. 预先登记和赞助的机会是可用的. 报名费为每位球员$125或每队$500,包括果岭费及练习场球费. A portion of the fee is tax deductible. For more information contact Dr. Clay Bolton cbolton@fansfulig.com 803-917-5138, Shannon Lipham wlipham@fansfulig.com 706-880-8343 or Antoine Prather aprather1@fansfulig.com 706-594-3076



Noon, Dickson Assembly Room, Turner Hall

该活动将向李·里希特颁发2023年荣誉校友奖, 2023 Outstanding Young Alumni Award to Dr. 亨特·康奈尔·乔纳斯14届和2023年沙克尔福德校友成就奖授予皮皮·罗杰斯79届, M'81 and David "Swagg R'Celious" Harris '09. 每位$20,名额有限,请预约. Contact alumni@fansfulig.com.


Men's Soccer: Panthers vs Belhaven

5 p.m., Panther Field, 509 Panther Way, Free Admission


Xavier "Zeke" Mann '86 & Friends gathering

5 p.m., Panther Field/Callaway Auditorium side

Soccer tailgating fish fry. Contact Xavier Mann '86 for more information. (678) 851-6584  zaymann@aol.com 



5 p.m. Price Theatre, 300 Panther Way

Broadway Showstoppers Opening Numbers Only! 由蒂姆·菲茨杰拉德构思、导演和编舞. No reservation needed. General Admission payable at door. (门票10美元,LC教职员工和学生免费)


Coming Home: Alumni artists from the early 1970's

5 - 6 p.m. Lamar Dodd Art Center, 310 Panther Way

展览突出了艺术家玛丽·汉比·霍尔73年,里克·普尔73年,查尔斯·罗宾逊72年,贝基K. Spencer '73, Mary May Witte '71 and Brenda Hinton. For more information contact Lanora Yates lyates@fansfulig.com 706-880-8211 


1973届50周年校庆由Susanna Baxter校长主持

6 p.m.-8 p.m. Lamar Dodd Art Center, 310 Panther Way

和同学们一起参加晚宴和合影. 然后,庆祝活动将在Wild Leap Brew Co .的俯瞰广场继续进行. located in downtown LaGrange.

1973 Reunion Committee: Laura Phipps Adams, Jere Brownlow, Martha MacMillian Chewning, Mary Hamby Hall, David Johnson, Becky K. Spencer, Cathy Trapp Thompson


1958 65th Reunion Cookout

6 p.m. - 9 p.m., 110 Wisteria Way Terrace, LaGrange (Majorie Bowling '58的家)

欲了解更多信息,请联系马乔里·斯泰斯保龄706.616.4317 or Carole McGarity 770.789.8574



7 p.m. - 9 p.m.黑豹路301号西区,贝森独奏厅

欲了解更多信息,请联系莱昂“乔乔”约翰逊'74 843.331.0562 leondjohnson@gmail.com, George Baker '74 or William King '76


Flashback Friday Party @ Overlook Plaza

主街308号,拉斐特广场以南两个街区,位于Wild Leap Brew Co .旁边.


6:30-11 p.m., Live Music* Food Trucks* Corn Hole

在这个最受欢迎的返校节中,创造你自己的即兴聚会. 这里有音乐、火坑和茶点,你只需要带上你的朋友. 这个家庭友好的活动是免费的,将有食品卡车、游戏和现场音乐 River City Horns, an R&B Soul and Contemporary band from Columbus.  

*No outside food or beverages permitted.

Music begins at 8 p.m.  Must present valid I.D at the gate for a 21+ wristband.



October 14

Men’s Alumni Basketball Meet and Greet
10-11 a.m. Mariotti Gym

男子篮球校友被邀请与主教练肯德尔·华莱士M ' 17和球队见面. 你将有机会与以前的队友重新联系,听华莱士教练讲述他对这个项目的梦想,并见见现在的球员.

For more information, contact kwallace@fansfulig.com or (706) 880-8328.


50th Reunion 1973 Legacy Bench Dedication

10 a.m. Caswell Plaza


Red and Black Reunion Row Registration Tent
10 a.m. until the end of halftime of the football game

Register, and pick up your nametags. (Show your nametag for a free alumni gift; supplies are limited.) Classes whose years end in 3's and 8's, along with other college friends, will gather, mingle and reminisce under a large white tent.

Kick off against Belhaven is at 1 p.m. General admission is $10


1958 65th Reunion Picnic Luncheon

11:30 a.m.黑豹路301号西区,贝森独奏厅

$20 per person. 欲了解更多信息,请联系Majorie Steis Bowling 706.616.4317 or Carole McGarity Jacobs 770.789.8574


10 a.m. - 3 p.m., Lamar Dodd Art Center, 310 Panther Way

展览突出了73年的艺术家玛丽·汉比·霍尔,73年的里克·普尔,72年的查尔斯·罗宾逊. Spencer '73, Mary May Witte '71 and Brenda Hinton. For information contact Lanora Yates lyates@fansfulig.com 706-880-8211


Football: Panthers vs Belhaven Blazers
1 p.m.,卡拉威球场(比赛前一小时开放)普通门票$10



1993 - 30th Reunion post-game gathering

5:30 p.m., Beacon Brewery , 700 Lincoln Street, Historic Hillside LaGrange 

Dutch treat cocktails and food. 组织者:玛丽·莱斯利·哈迪(Mary Leslie Hardy), 93岁,Facebook页面回复:威尼斯人娱乐城1993届毕业生



5 p.m. Price Theatre, 300 Panther Way

Broadway Showstoppers Opening Numbers Only! 由蒂姆·菲茨杰拉德构思、导演和编舞. No reservation needed. General Admission payable at the door. (门票10美元,LC教职员工和学生免费)


1965-1975 Classes Barbecue Dinner 接着是音乐和团契围绕着毗邻的室外火坑.

Dinner 6:30 p.m., Courtyard Marriott's Callaway Room, 25 W. Lafayette Square, Downtown LaGrange

Country's Barbecue. 8月份的电子邮件邀请将包括如何购买门票的信息. Submit your email to alumni@fansfulig.com 



7 p.m.威尼斯人娱乐城市中心公牛街116号,Splendid Events

$16 per person, Home-Style Buffett. Please RSVP 联系1974年的里昂·乔乔·约翰逊,了解员工人数和更多信息 leondjohnson9@gmail.com 843.331.0562. 74届的乔治·贝克和76届的威廉·金也是协调员.


"GREASE BALL" Classes of 1974-80 & friends Celebration

7 - 10 p.m. Beason Recital Hall, West Side, 301 Panther Way

THEME IS "GREASE BALL"! Music is from the 50's & 60年代-另一个聚会的地方,赶上和寻找朋友与有趣的音乐和更新的图片. 提供手指食品和披萨,水和软饮料. BYOB

* For late night folks, gather in the lobby of the Wingate Hotel, 103 Wingate Terrace for more fun time together.

Reunion Committee: Dawn  Cummings Coker '77, Ronnie '77 and Cheryl Rhyne Farr '77, Ricky Jolly '77, Jim '78 and Ruthie Spears Wood '78. For more information contact Ronnie Farr, rfarr73@yahoo.com. 8月份的电子邮件邀请将包含更多信息. Submit your email to alumni@fansfulig.com 



October 15th

10:30 a.m., the Chapel

这个年度服务庆祝校友和威尼斯人娱乐城社区成员的生活,他们自2022年返校节以来已经去世. 这些荣誉名单将很快在这里公布. For more information, contact alumni@fansfulig.com or 706.880.8244

Memorial List 


Sports Hall of Fame Induction
Brunch 11 a.m. Margaret A. Pitts Dining Hall;
Ceremony 12 p.m. , Dickson Assembly Room, Turner Hall


  • Jeffery Cotton '83, Men's Basketball
  • Jennifer DeMooney Claybrook '99, Softball
  • Scott Stillwell '01, Men's Soccer
  • Stephanie Clark Swift '08, Women's Soccer
  • 凯瑟琳·卡温顿·谢勒,13届女篮女排
  • Logan Lanier '17, Golf
  • Connor Blair '18, Football


Contact Terlynn Olds tolds@fansfulig.com for more information.


Sunday Brunch Buffet
11 a.m. – 1 p.m., Margaret A. Pitts Dining Hall

热食品排队,披萨站,沙拉吧,甜点和饮料站,只要9美元.56 per person. Pay at the door.


2 p.m. Price Theatre, 300 Panther Way

Broadway Showstoppers Opening Numbers Only! 由Tim Fitz-Gerald构思、导演和编舞. No reservation needed. General Admission payable at the door. (门票10美元,LC教职员工和学生免费)